Category Archives: Fish Biology


Ichthyology is the study of fish, and ichthyologists are scientists who dedicate their time to learning about these amazing creatures. Ichthyology comes from the Greek word for fish, and it’s a branch of zoology that covers all aspects of fish biology. Ichthyologists study the anatomy, physiology, ecology, and evolution of fishes. They also work to classify and name new species of fish.  In this blog post, we are going to share with you the methods Ichthyologists use to study fish such as field work, lab work, and observations in aquariums and zoos. Ichthyology is a fascinating science that provides insight into the lives of one of the most diverse groups of animals on Earth! Now, if you’re ready let’s start. What Is Ichthyology and What Does It Study? Ichthyology is a scientific field that focuses on the study of fish and it’s a branch of zoology, which is the study…

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fish biology facts

Fish are often thought of as simple creatures, but there is a lot more to them than meets the eye. For instance, did you know that fish are capable of changing the color of their skin? This ability helps them to blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators.  Fish are also able to sense changes in water pressure, temperature, and chemical composition. This allows them to detect danger and find food. So the next time you go fishing, remember that you’re not just trying to catch a fish – you’re dealing with a highly-adapted creature that is far more complex than it seems. In this blog post, we will explore the fish biology facts that will blow your mind! Get yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the reading. Let’s dive in! 13 Interesting Fish Biology Facts Fish Are Able To Change Their Gender Did you know that fish…

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myths about largemouth bass

If there’s one thing that bass fishermen can agree on, it’s that largemouth bass are a fish worthy of respect. These powerful predators can be found in many waterways across the United States, and anglers often travel far and wide to chase after them.  While largemouth bass are revered for their strength and fighting abilities, there are also plenty of myths and misconceptions about them.  Think you know everything about largemouth bass? You might be surprised by some of the myths out there about these popular fish. Here are seven of the most interesting ones. Myths about Largemouth Bass Myth #1 Bass bite better in moving waters. When it comes to bass, the debate over whether flowing water or still water is better has been raging for years. Both sides have valid points, but ultimately it comes down to personal preference.  Flow can turn on the bite in tidal waters…

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do fish sleep - sleep fishing on the bottom

Do you want to know do fish sleep? When do they sleep if they do? What do they do to sleep? This content addresses these and many other questions. Continue reading to learn more about fish sleeping habits. Fish are one-of-a-kind creatures. However, one might wonder if they sleep. After a long day of activity, animals require rest. Sleep has several advantages, including the ability to revitalize the bodies of both animals and humans. Humans, on the other hand, have a different sleeping pattern than animals.  Different Sleeping Patterns Sleeping patterns differ between humans and animals. After a stressful day, humans sleep for about eight hours at night. Animals, on the other hand, can sleep at various intervals, with some sleeping for the majority of the day. Some dogs, for example, can sleep up to 15 hours per day. These dogs are only useful when they are sleeping. As a…

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